I’ve been selected as a finalist for Cisco’s 2021 IT Blog Awards =). The award seeks to recognize blogs that provide Value, Credibility, and Consistency.
When I first set out to create a blog, I set a mission statement of writing articles that bridge the gap between overly entry level (and not enough detail) and overly detailed (and too much unnecessary, irrelevant minutia).
My goal with my videos and articles was to find the practical medium between too simple and too complicated.
Much of the articles have been written from the perspective of “How did I wish someone explained this to me when I was first trying to learn?“.
On a personal note, I am a hyper-perfectionist, which means I never quite feel I’ve achieved the goals I set. Despite my perfectionism, however, the countless comments I’ve received over the years from you all have helped reassure me that, at least on some level, I am achieving my stated goals. So for those of you who have left comments, thank you kindly. I’ve read every single one of them.
And I suppose, this recognition from Cisco serves as further evidence that I am providing value to the Networking community.
Vote to make Practical Networking a Champion
There are 58 finalist in my category (Blogs), and 17 finalist in the other category (Podcasts and Videos). Between all 75 finalist, the six most voted will become Cisco Champions.
To vote for Practical Networking, use this link:
Scroll down to Blogs, and select Practical Networking. The voting system uses a Ranked Choice Voting system, so you can vote for up to five blogs, and provide a ranking for which are your favorites. Obviously, I’d suggest you put Practical Networking as #1, but I guess that’s up to you =).

If you can vote, and get a friend to vote, that would be greatly appreciated. And once again, I want to thank you all, the viewers, for making any of this possible =).
More than happy to vote #1 for such high quality, approachable, content. I’m all too familiar with the complications of being a perfections, but you really do a good job with regard to your mission.
Thank you, Scott =). Much appreciated.
I also have voted for rank one . Thanks a lot for sharing high quality content .I am subscriber of your tls course .It’s my long pending request for ipsec vpn .so hope you will start very soon on this .
Thank you, Deepak. You helped made this possible: https://www.practicalnetworking.net/announcement/cisco-2021-it-blog-awards-winner/
Hi i am <a href=”www.facebook.com/Jamalbukhariofficial/”>Jamal</a> and its a great announcement.
Voted for #1.. Hope you bag the award for your stupendous efforts and top class content
Thank you for your support! You helped Practical Networking win ! https://www.practicalnetworking.net/announcement/cisco-2021-it-blog-awards-winner/
Just give the vote for your awesome blog……….Keep good work
Thank you for your support! You helped us win!
Very inspiring. Congratulations, Eddie!
The day I came across your content, I felt so bad that networking should have been my calling. I regret not knowing it. However, I am so excited to have you talk about it so clearly, and you make it so practical. I have even gone ahead to check all my home devices’ Mac addresses and IP addresses, and what I have discovered surprised me. Please, I am willing to make a serious career in networking. Please do let me know what to do.