This article is a part of a video series on Access Control Lists (ACLs).
In Part 3 of the series on ACLs, we go through a live demonstration of the configuration of various Numbered ACL statements.
We’ll use the syntax we learned in the prior video to create access list entries to match specific packets. In doing so, we’ll get to talk through some important concepts — the implicit deny and first match processing.

Specifically, we’ll cover the following topics:
- 00:00 – Intro & Part 2 Recap
- 00:27 – ACL Remarks
- 01:28 – Matching IP traffic between two Hosts
- 02:37 – Specifying IP Addresses
- 02:45 – Matching IP traffic between a Subnet and a Host
- 03:32 – Matching all ICMP traffic (pings, traceroute, etc)
- 04:36 – Matching a single TCP packet explicitly
- 05:40 – Five fields of an Extended ACL
- 05:57 – Typical way to write ACL statements
- 06:39 – Matching TCP/UDP traffic from a particular application
- 07:20 – Matching Response traffic
- 07:54 – Implicit Deny
- 09:04 – Denying TCP/UDP traffic from a particular application
- 10:37 – First Match processing
- 12:22 – Summary
- 12:57 – Removing entries from Numbered ACLs
- 13:57 – Outro
Hope you enjoy!