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Networking Fundamentals: How data moves through the Internet

    Networking Fundamentals: How data moves through the Internet

    I started recording a new video series covering How Data moves through the Internet. The intent of this first set of videos is to serve as the first Module of a new course I’m considering developing discussing Networking Fundamentals.

    The full course will give anyone looking to start a career in Networking the foundation they need to become competent and successful engineers, and pass job interviews.

    Moreover, this course will also give anyone in any sort of IT role insight into whatever it is “the networking folks” are doing every day. This type of cross-discipline training will propel you further in whatever Tech career you are pursuing.

    How Data moves through the Internet

    Module 1 of this course will be available for free to everyone on YouTube and will teach anyone the very core of Networking: How Data moves through the Internet.

    The individual videos for Module 1 are available here:

    The (tentative) full course outline is available below. The creation of the full course will depend solely on how much traction the videos above attract. If you would be interested in the full course, taught with the same high quality “practical networking” style, the best way to bring it to fruition is to share the videos above throughout your network.

    Networking Fundamentals – Course Outline

    Below is the outline for the full Networking Fundamentals course. Keep in mind, the topics are still being scoped, so this outline is subject to change.

    • Module 1 – How Data moves through the Internet
      • (Available for free, see above)
    • Module 2 – IP Addresses and Subnetting
    • Module 3 – Host Configuration and Verification
      • Windows
      • Linux
      • Windows Server
    • Module 4 – TCP and UDP
    • Module 5 – VLANs
    • Module 6 – NAT
    • Module 7 – Network Designs
      • Self Hosting vs Managed Hosting
      • Firewalls
      • Load Balancers
      • Network Topology: Inside and Outside
      • Network Topology: DMZ
      • NIC Bonding / NIC Teaming (Port-Channel / EtherChannel)
      • Virtual Machines (VMs) and Hypervisors
    • Module 8 – Address Resolution Protocol
      • Traditional ARP
      • Gratuitous ARP
      • Proxy ARP
      • ARP Probe and ARP Announcements
    • Module 9 – Troubleshooting Tools
      • Ping
      • Traceroute
      • TCP Traceroute
      • MTR
      • PathPing
      • iperf
      • Netstat
      • Nmap
      • Wireshark
      • TCP Dump
    • Module 10 – Network Protocols
      • DHCP
      • DNS
      • HTTP
      • HTTPS / SSL / TLS
      • SSH
      • FTP
      • TFTP
      • SCP
      • SNMP
      • NTP
    • Module 11 – IPv6
    • Module 12 – Cloud Networking Basics
      • What is the Cloud?
      • “something” as a Service: IaaS, PaaS, SaaS (DaaS, FaaS)
      • Cloud Basics: Amazon AWS
      • Cloud Basics: Google GCP
      • Cloud Basics: Microsoft Azure
    • Module 13 – Network Engineering: (Possibly in it’s own Network Engineering addendum course)
      • STP
      • Port-Channel / Ether-Channel
      • Advanced Routing and Routing Tables Concepts
      • RIP
      • OSPF
      • EIGRP
      • BGP

    When complete, this course will be the “must watch” course for anyone looking to get into Networking or understand how Networking works.

    Got a suggestion for a topic that would contribute to this goal? Suggest it in the comments below!

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    Spanning Tree. Command Line frequently used commands and interpretation of their responses. Subnetting and network design considerations. Configuring tiers of user access of network devices.

    +1 to STP!

    audio is not working properly. plz check

    Yes. It’s okay. I’m having issues with my audio driver. sorry for the confusion.

    Hey Ed, I had issues with my Realtek audio. I had to uninstall and reinstall the driver. Great videos

    I want more information about internet…. Please send me through e mail

    Hello Ed,

    Just wanted to says that I highly appreciate what you do. It has helped me understand so much about networking and how it really works behind the scenes,


    Great information presented in clear and meaningful fashion.
    Much appreciated and please keep up the good work!

    Hello Ed,

    thanks a lot for your explanations and posted videos, helped me a lot with better understanding of networking processes! Is there maybe a possibility to include VRRP and BFD courses?


    I think it would be great to know better on how routers build their address table.
    I know there are different protocols for that, with “costs” considerations, hops etc..
    A video about all of this material will be really great

    p.s. found your website thanks to a YouTube suggestion of one of your videos, I really like you work

    I saw you have a module about Cloud networking, will you talk about tunneling?
    And why we need them?
    e.g. VXLAN?
    I still couldn’t understand what exactly the problem VXLAN helps us with..

    Perhaps you could cover :
    1) VPN (increasingly more people use this for corporate work from home)
    2) Different types of last mile connectivity
    3) Redundancy models in different parts of the network
    4) A couple of concrete case studies to drive home some points
    like the role of networks in supporting globe scale apps like whatsapp/twitter etc.

    Please, You can send me a slides of series networking fundamentals.
    Thanks you.

    Is this full course paid? Cause you mentioned in your Video explaining network devices, that only Module 1 will be available on youtube. Where will the rest be available?

    I am not sure how detailed Module 4 will be concerning TCP, but one topic I don’t see mentioned is MTU and how path MTU discovery is often broken, and how MSS clamping can mitigate the problem for TCP connections (but not UDP).

    But it needs at least a mention, because it’s a common problem causing web pages to hang, when the webserver sends packets assuming 1500 byte MTU, that get dropped in an MTU blackhole.

    There are some good resources on the internet (including Cisco’s “Resolve IPv4 Fragmentation, MTU, MSS, and PMTUD Issues with GRE and IPsec” whitepaper, but it is more detailed and dry than most readers will persist through) and the (not so very) short but very good video “TCP MSS clamping – what is it and why do we need it?” by Ivan Pepelnjak

    When will the new network course be rolling out?

    Please where can i purchase the full networking course ? I really need it

    How do I get the full course and I also need information on how to practically connect a remote community to a full network and internet access

    How i can see the full course? Video are made very well in free module 1

    I suggest to add also wireless (wlc, ise, prime)

    Please share for free this entire course, it’s very interesting

    How to access the full networking fundamental course? I found the first module on you tube to be cery useful.

    Please advise how to access to full course?

    When is the full course coming out please? i cant wait to purchase it i really need it

    This series is absolutely fantastic, I just revisited to brush up my understanding while preaching AWS Advanced Networking Specialty exam. Can you also cover MED, Jumbo frames as part of full course. BGP is very interesting topics , I see you already included in last module.

    where can I see full Networking Fundamentals course?

    Last edited 2 years ago by dinesh kumar mehra

    dear sir,
    thanks for your effort

    how can i get all modules?

    When will the complete networking course be available?

    I am in your (proverbial) debt, lads.
    I am.

    At the age of 55, yours truly being a respectable end user (be it for work or pleasure), YOU, gave ME a purpose: to look into things the way I NEVER did… i.e. with concern and interest, in order to become deservingly more knowledgeable and capable to interpret related matters insofar anyone ought to.

    Thank you.

    George from Greece

    When will this course be available?

    Hi Mentor,

    I did enjoy watching your first free module 1 and was thinking since this had been posted more than a year ago by this time the dots should have been completed, I meant all Modules should have been up and running either for free or learn as you pay. However, once we taste your way of teaching including me, Unicast, or Multicast the rest of the Modules for pay-as-you learn, I will be more than happy to buy the rest of the Modules for the Network course.


    When is the. Networking Fundamental course outlines be available?

    Awaiting your next course. This is the most wonderful explanation I’ve ever seen about networking. I’ve become a huge fan of this site and its contents. It perfectly fits your motto.. “If you can’t explain it to a six year old, you don’t understand it yourself.”

    A brief about distributed system networking

    Loved your videos Mr Ed.

    Have you been able to complete the entire course? When do you think the course be made available? I absolutely love your teaching style.

    Also, it would be great to see this course with hands on labs using something like the “Cisco Packet tracer” and not just theory.

    Hi Ed, I just wanted to say THANK YOU SO MUCH for the great videos and content you created for the public. The images and animations are fantastic. Everything about the blogs and videos are outstanding— articulating the complex concepts in the simplest way is mind-blowing. The content helped me to understand the concepts in a new way that I couldn’t think was ever possible! In addition, your teachings opened a new door of passion and interest to me for learning more about networking. And of course, it’s all because of the content and courses that you have. Just curious, what would be the best courses to take for getting the certificate in networking? In any case, people should know about this. “Networking Got Easy” by Ed Harmoush.Thanks so much again for all you have done.

    Is it possible to know if the networking course will be ever completed?

    Last edited 1 year ago by Giuseppe

    Mail me if the course is available

    Hi Ed, I thoroughly enjoyed “How data flows on internet” module. eagerly waiting for full course. Any date in mind when it’ll be available. Thanks a lot for great content.

    very good materials and easy to understand

    Ed, congratulation for the excelente course! Are there any idea when the full course will be available? Thanks again and I hope tô enjoy the full course ☺️

    Thanks for putting together a wonderful course. Is the full fundamentals course complete. Eagerly waiting for more videos

    Your content is amazing. I’m looking forward to get the full course once it’s ready.

    Can you also add VXLAN& EBGP concepts please?

    hello sir i love all your video please share me all of your video notes if you can send me by email [email protected]

    Last edited 1 year ago by tegegne

    Is it possible to know if the networking course completed ? Whether cloud basic module covered ? I am planning to ourchase the course but would like to know the current state ?

    Thank you for the hard work creating Module 1. Just purchased the “Early Founder” bundle. Can’t wait.

    Edit: if you’ve started working on it again, would it be possible to gain “early access?” I’m currently studying for Net+ and Module 1 was a great help. Trying to avoid my other study materials!

    Last edited 1 year ago by Lukemanius

    Hello Ed!

    I would like to learn the networking fundamentals but it is under construction. When can I start learning if I paying for it?

    How long before the Networking course is ready?

    When the complete course will be available? I am planning to buy the course, however would like to understand the expected wait time?

    Pls we need real practical live demonstration with PCs, router and switch so as to make the knowledge stick. Thanks for all you have been doing.

    Great work 🙂 Enjoyed the learning session. keep doing good work, sir.

    Has anyone bought this course recently? When will the entire course be available? If i buy and pay now what will i get right now to learn about networking?

    I’m on the free module #1 right now and it’s just amazing. Very clear with good visuals and easy to understand. I wouldn’t have thought this would be so interesting. Thanks!